Fair Janet
Fair Janet music PDF
Written by Jacob. This is a double-stepped dance. The set formation for the chorus is a three couple longways set, in the following formation:
3a 1a 2a
2b 1b 3b
Although this numbering is non-standard, it makes sense in context with both versions of the Ghostbusters figure.
AA - Ghostbusters
B - Chorus
A - Newton's Cradle
B - Chorus
A - Rotating Reel
B - Chorus
A - Out, Back and Round
B - Chorus
AA - Ghostbusters and Off
No stepping.
1: Forehand clash with your partner
2: Forehand clash with the person to your partner's left (from your point of view). If there is no one to their left, do a stick half-flip instead.
3: Backhand clash with your partner
4: Backhand clash with the person to your partner's right ( from your point of view). If there is no one to their right, do a half-flip instead On the 'and' between 4 and 5, the 3s should step forward and to their right with their right foot and turn left to face the 1s, the 1s step back slightly with their right foot to face the 3s, and the 2s take a big step towards each other
In the second quarter, the clashes are all forehand and rotate anti-clockwise around the set (particular from the point of view of the 1s)
5: 2s clash on the long diagonal, 1s clash with the 3s standing to their right
6: 1s and 2s clash with each other as the 3s return to their usual place
and: Everyone clashes with their partner
7: 1s clash with 3s while the 2s take a step forward and to their left, turning right to face the 1s
8: 2s clash with 1s, 3s take a long step to clash with each other
And repeat, mirrored.
9: Backhand clash with your partner
10: Backhand clash with the person to your partner's right (from your point of view). If there is no one to their right, do a stick half-flip instead.
11: Forehand clash with your partner
12: Forehand clash with the person to your partner's left( from your point of view). If there is no one to their left, do a half-flip instead. On the 'and' between 12 and 13, the 2s should step forward and to their left with their left foot and turn right to face the 1s, the 1s step back slightly with their left foot to face the 2s, and the 3s take a big step towards each other
In the fourth quarter, the clashes are all backhand and rotate clockwise around the set (particular from the point of view of the 1s)
13: 3s clash on the long diagonal, 1s clash with the 2s standing to their left
14: 1s and 3s clash with each other as the 2s return to their usual place
and: Everyone clashes with their partner
15: 1s clash with 2s while the 3s take a step forward and to their right, turning left to face the 1s
16: 3s clash with 1s, 2s take a long step to clash forehand with each other
All of the figures in this dance are based upon all six dancers in a line, facing across the set with each pair standing right shoulder to right shoulder with each other. In this formation, the dancers are arranged 3a 2a 1a 1b 2b 3b. Generally speaking, the first two and last two steps of each figure are spent stepping forward and slightly to your right while turning half way to move from one formation to the other.
This is a double-length figure based upon two basic moves, and it alternates between apart from the dance on and the final steps before the chorus. On the hop-step at the end of every double step, dancers clash forehand with the person they are standing right shoulder to right shoulder with.
On the left-foot start double steps, the figure changes orientation, with the dancers at the end of the line turning to their right and moving forwards to meet each other in the centre on the new axis; the dancers in the centre dance forwards and turn right to become the ends on the new axis; and the intermediates dance forwards in a quarter-circle arc to their left to remain the intermediates on the new axis. Clash with your new partner on the hop-step.
A1 >
^ ^ ^ < B2
Thus: C1 B1 A1 A2 B2 C2 becomes C1 >
v v v < C2
B1 >
< A2
On the right-foot start double steps, each dancer changes place back to back with the person to their right, while turning half way left to face the other way. You will end up in the exact same position as your partner and facing the same way as they were. Clash with this person on the hop-step.
The figure begins with all of the positions being filled by ghosts, which the dancers gradually replace. The dancers will be standing around the edge of the space:
1b 3a
3b 1a
1-4: 1s take two double steps to come in and meet each other, clashing on the hop of the second double-step as they meet right shoulder to right shoulder
5-8: 1s pass back-to-back on the right-foot start double step and clash, then dance the orientation change as though there were 4 other dancers. Meanwhile, the 2s take two double steps to come in and meet the 1s right shoulder to right shoulder, clashing on the second hop-step. At this point, there should be two empty positions in the centre of the set - the two remaining ghosts.
9-12: The four dancers in the centre pass back-to-back and clash, then change shape. Meanwhile, the 3s take two double steps to come in and join the end of the line, meeting a 1 right shoulder to right shoulder and clashing as the 1s meet each other and clash. Now everyone is in position and the two different double steps proceed exactly as outlined above
13-16: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
This is now half way through the figure
17-20: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
21-24: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
25-28: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
29-32: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then everyone steps forward, turning left shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set for the chorus
Newton's Cradle
1-2: Everyone steps forward, turning right shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set. Note, because of the formation change at the end of the chorus, this doesn't exactly work the same for each dancer (the 3s are basically turning all the way around to the right whilst staying on the spot, for example. The key thing is that every finishes in a line of six, alternating facing one way or the other across the set, right shoulder to right shoulder with the person you were facing in the chorus. This is a standard first two steps in all of the figures.
3-4: The 1s surge out (left foot start!) and turn right half-way on the hop. Everyone else steps on the spot
5-6: The 1s return back to the line while the 2s surge out (right foot start) and turn half way left on the hop. 3s step on the spot
7-8: 2s return to the line whilst the 1s and 3s surge out (left foot start) and turn half way left on the hop.
9-10: 1s and 3s return to the line while the 2s surge out and turn half way right on the hop
11-12: 1s step on the spot, 2s return to the line and the 3s surge out and turn left on the hop
13-14: 1s and 2s step on the spot, 3s return to the line
15:16: Everyone steps forward, turning left shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set for the chorus
Rotating Reel
1-2: Everyone steps forward, turning right shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set
3-4: Everyone change place right shoulder with the person next to you. You should end up exactly in each other's places
5-6: Those on the end of the lines (the 2s) dance forward in an arc to the position a third of the way around the set. Meanwhile, the 1s and 3s move as though passing left shoulder into a new line rotated 60 degrees from the original line. 2s will be on the end, 1s next position in and the 3s in the centre. Everyone should be in a line, standing right shoulder to right shoulder with someone
7-8: Everyone change place right shoulder with the person next to you. You should end up exactly in each other's places
9-10: Those on the end of the lines (the 1s) dance forward in an arc to the position another third of the way around the set. Meanwhile, the 2s and 3s move as though passing left shoulder into a new line rotated 120 degrees from the original line. 1s will be on the end, 3s next position in and the 2s in the centre. Everyone should be in a line, standing right shoulder to right shoulder with someone
11-12: Everyone change place right shoulder with the person next to you. You should end up exactly in each other's places
13-14: Those on the end of the lines (the 3s) dance forward in an arc to the position another third of the way around the set, back in the original line. Meanwhile, the 1s and 2s move as though passing left shoulder into a new line rotated 180 degrees from the original line. Everyone will be back in the position they were in on 3
15-16: Everyone steps forward, turning left shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set for the chorus
Out, Back and Round
1-2: Everyone steps forward, turning right shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set
3-4: Everyone surge forwards (starting on the left foot), shouting as they go. Turn sharply right on the 4-and hop
5-6: Everyone return back to place. Try to make sure there is a brief pause on the hop when everyone is in line
7-8: The 1s turn three quarters around each other left shoulder to left shoulde. The 2s and 3s each dance a quater circle arc around the centre - 2s going clockwise, 3s anti-clockwise
9-10: Everyone surge forwards (starting on the right foot). Turn sharply left on the 4-and hop
11-12: Everyone return back to their place in the line, shouting as they go. Try to make sure there is a brief pause on the hop when everyone is in line. This shout is in a different place in the dance, but in the same place against the music
13-14: The 1s turn three quarters around each other right shoulder to right shoulde. The 2s and 3s each dance a quater circle arc around the centre - 2s going anti-clockwise, 3s clockwise
15-16: Everyone steps forward, turning left shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set for the chorus
Ghostbusters and Off
Another double-length figure, using the same moves as at the start of the dance, but this time the dancers start on and gradually leave towards the end. When it comes to your turn to dance off, break into a run rather than keeping in step.
1-2: Everyone steps forward, turning right shoulder back half-way to form a three couple long ways set
3-4: Everyone changes shape and clashes. This will be exactly the same move as in the OG figure, but you'll be starting from a different place. The dancers at the end of the line turning to their right and moving forwards to meet each other in the centre on the new axis; the dancers in the centre dance forwards and turn right to become the ends on the new axis; and the intermediates dance forwards in a quarter-circle arc to their left to remain the intermediates on the new axis. Clash with your new partner on the hop-step
5-8: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
9-12: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
13-16: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
17-20: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then changes shape and clashes
21-24: Everyone passes back-to-back and clashes, then the 2s and 3s change shape as normal and clash, while the 1s dance off rather than coming to meet in the centre of the set. There are now two ghosts in the central positions
25-28: Everyone still in the set passes back-to-back and clashes, then the 3s change shape as normal and clash, while the 2s dance off. There are now just the 3s in the middle and ghosts in the other four positions
29-32: The 3s pass back-to-back and clash, and then dance off.